The twin paradox can manifest itself when one of two twins travels at a high speed into the future while the other remains in the present. Due to the time dilation phenomenon, the traveling twin ages more slowly than the one who stays in the present because they experience less time.
I have always perceived Cuba as a twin to Bulgaria due to the shared past I understood. From postcards I saw as a child, where the only difference was the trees, to Cuban heroes, everything seemed similar. Upon arriving in Cuba, I saw that everything was still frozen in time, just like on those postcards - the island nation remained where it was 40 years ago. It is the twin that stays behind to age. The pictures depict everyday life in the Caribbean country, much like it was in Bulgaria 30 years ago. This demonstrates how, despite our belief that time flows linearly, it sometimes comes to a standstill. Cars remain in the 1950s, people in the 1990s, and buildings in the 19th century.
How does time actually flow? Linearly, cyclically, periodically? Does it flow evenly for everyone?